
Mrs. Spring’s first graders experimented with “Glow Germs”, lotion based simulated germs, and proper hand washing this morning! Mrs. Douthwaite, our school nurse, has used this fun experiment for the last few years to show students that even after washing our hands, some germs linger behind.  Each student used the Glow Germ lotion before washing and drying their hands.  Mrs. Douthwaite then used a black light to show how much residue from the glow in the dark gel was still on their hands. Students were surprised to learn that how long we wash and how well we rinse our hands will effect how many germs are left behind.  

Mrs. Douthwaite reminded students about proper ways to sneeze and cough to minimize the spread of germs.  Students learned that when we use our hands, instead of sneezing into our elbows, we spread germs through everything we touch.  

Mrs. Douthwaite will continue her hand-washing education throughout the week in many different classes. This is a great way to combine science and fun while teaching younger students about proper hand washing and keeping ourselves and our friends healthy!  Thanks to Mrs. Douthwaite for this hands on experiment with our students!