Dress code

Welcome back to the start of the 2019-20 school year!  As we embark upon another fantastic year at WL-S, we’d like to take this opportunity to discuss the transition of summer to fall and our dress code policy.  While it can be quite warm through September here in Ohio, we still ask that all students and their families be mindful of our school’s enforced dress code policy.  Dress codes are required for a number of reasons with safety and interferences with class instruction at the forefront, and can be fully explained in both MS/HS and elementary handbooks.  

A few highlights from our dress code are skirt/short length, tank tops/halter/crop tops,  hats/hoods, and proper footwear.    Skirts, shorts and ripped jeans can be measured appropriate when arms are to your sides, hands in a fist, and the length of those articles (or rips) reach at or below your fist.  Tank tops should have shoulder straps that are at least 2 inches in width, while halter tops, crop tops, and low cut shirts should not be worn to school.  Elementary students should wear shoes that cover the toes and heels for safety reasons.  We prevent many playground/recess injuries when our students have proper footwear for running and climbing, but also when little toes get stepped on, it hurts!  As always, hats are not allowed in the building unless it’s an approved hat day, hoods are to be down and sunglasses are not allowed during school hours.  It is also important to mention that dress codes are enforced at school events on our home campus, events away from campus, school dances, practices, and banquets. 

The goal of the dress code is to never embarrass a student and disciplinary action is rarely more serious than a detention, except for repeated offenders with prior knowledge of the rules.  Adhering to these guidelines and encouraging them at home will allow our students to miss as little class time as possible.   As always, thank you for your support and we look forward to the great year ahead!